DISC Personality Online/Paper Profiling · D.I.S.C Self-Study Certification Courses · Profile Assessment Reports · Seminars · Institute for Motivational Living/PeopleKeys®
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Goldisc Profiling


What are the DISC Dimensions Reports?

Depending on the application, DISC can be seamlessly combined with any or all of TEAMS, VALUES and Behavioural Attitudes Index or BAI to create the 2, 3 and 4D reports. In addition to combinations, all four assessments are available as stand-alone upgrade reports.When all four dimensions are combined together, the 4D assessment creates a revolutionary report that combines over 1440 different points of comparison to generate the most comprehensive personality profile available today.

TEAMS Assessment

Personal & Family Personality Style Development

Gain insight into the individual thinking styles and strengths and limitations of a group within a specific environment. Discover which of your group members are skilled at thinking like a Theorist, Executor, Analyst, Manager or Strategist. A well-balanced team that places people in positions where they can utilise their strengths creates a more effective and less stressful work environment.

Values Assessment

Personal & Family Personality Style Development

Values assessment Identifies a person’s values-driven motivations that are deeply ingrained automatic responses. These values are Loyalty, Equality, Personal Freedom and Justice. The values-based motivators are not necessarily something that a person will be aware of, but are the internal values that a person is willing to fight for.

BAI Assessment

Personal & Family Personality Style Development

The Behavioural Attitudes Index (BAI) assess the hidden passions, interests, and motivations. Behavioural attitudes correspond with the emotions and thinking processes that subconsciously shape every decision an individual makes. The BAI assesses which of the I-SPEAK behavioural attitudes are predominant. These align with whether or not a person is willing to expend energy toward Inner Awareness, Spiritual, Power, Economic, Artistic, or Knowledge endeavours. When a person’s behavioural attitudes are aligned with their environment, their natural motivation, passion and interests are in harmony- creating contentment and longevity in a position.

Goldisc is an Authorised Agent for PeopleKeys/The Institute for Motivational Living, one of the largest publishers of D.I.S.C. Profiles, Courses, Resources, Reports and IML DISCInsights™, Peoplekeys®, MinistryKeys™ online personality style profiling assessments for recruiting, training and retaining employees and staff in Business and Ministry. This includes Peoplekeys® HR Training, job position benchmarks, Consultations & Team building. StudentKeys™ internet Report and paper workbook series, help students flourish in college, career and life. Careerkeys® for Teenagers and adults starting, changing and restarting careers.

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